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Interaction and corrective feedback training in the Foreign Language (FL) Classroom

Current Research Projects

Interaction and corrective feedback training in the Foreign Language (FL) Classroom

Nicole Ziegler

Data collection is currently underway for an ongoing project examining the impact of meta-cognitive instruction on learners’ provision and use of interactional features and corrective feedback in Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) classrooms. Preliminary results of this study were presented at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) with two of my graduate students, Ji Eun Lee and Alex Kasula.  Additional results from a more longitudinal study will be included in a colloquium at the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguists (AAAL) in Toronto, Canada in 2015.  This project is being conducted in collaboration with the Korean Section of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa’s Department of East-Asian Languages and Literatures.