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Curriculum Vitae


Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics, Applied Concentration (2013)

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

With distinction.

Master's degree in teaching english as a second language (2010)

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

With distinction. 

bachelor's degree in comparative literature and cultures (2001)

University of Redlands, Redlands, CA

professional experience

Associate Professor (2018-)

Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

assistant professor (2013-2018)

Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

selected Publications

JOurnal Articles

Ziegler, N.(2018). Pre-task planning and L2 text chat: Examining learners’ process and performance. Language Learning and

Technology, 22, 193-213.

Ziegler, N., Rebuschat, P., Meurers, D., Ruiz, S., Moreno Vega, J., & Grey, S. (2017). Interdisciplinary research at the interaction

of CALL, NLP, and SLA: Methodological implications from an input-enhancement project. Language Learning, 67 (S1),209-


Parlak, O. & Ziegler, N. (2017). The impact of recasts on the acquisition of primary stress in a computer-mediated

environment. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(2)257-285

Plonsky, L. & Ziegler, N. (2016). The CALL-SLA interface: Insights from a second order synthesis. Language Learning and

Technology, 20, 17-37.

Ziegler, N. (2016). Taking technology to task: Technology-mediated TBLT, performance, and production. Annual Review of Applied

Linguistics, 36, 136-163.

Ziegler, N. (2016). Synchronous computer-mediated communication and interaction: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition,

38, 553-586.

Rebuschat, P., Hamrick, P., Sachs, R., Riestenberg, K., & Ziegler, N. (2015). Triangulating measures of awareness: a contribution to the debate

on learning without awareness. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 37, 299-334.

Park, H. & Ziegler, N. (2014). Cognitive shift in the bilingual mind: Spatial concepts in Korean English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and

Cognition, 17, 410-430.

Book chapters

Ziegler, N. & Bryfonski, L. (2018). Interaction-driven second language learning: Advanced learners. In A. Benati & P. Booth

(Eds.). The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition. Wiley Blackwell. 

Ziegler, N. (2017). The contingency of recasts, learners’ noticing, and L2 development: Insights on saliency from multiple

modalities. In S. Gass, P. Spinner, & J. Behney (Eds.). Salience and SLA. Routledge. 

Ziegler, N. & Mackey, A. (2017). Interactional feedback in computer-mediated communication:  A review and state of the art. In H.

Nassaji and E. Kartchava (Eds.), Corrective feedback in second language teaching and learning. Routledge.

Ziegler, N. & Smith, G. ( 2017). Teacher individual differences: A first look at working memory, feedback, and modified output

opportunities. In L. Gurzynski-Weiss (Ed.), Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach:

Examining learners, instructors, and researchers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Abbuhl, R., Ziegler, N., Mackey, A., & Amoroso, L. (2017). Interaction and learning grammar. In J. I. Liontas  

(Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley Blackwell.

Mackey, A., Ziegler, N., Bryfonski, L. (2016). From SLA research on interaction to TBLT materials.  In B. Tomlinson (Ed.). Second

Language Acquisition Research and Materials Development for Language Learning. Taylor & Francis. 

Ziegler, N. (2016). Methodological practices in interaction in synchronous computer mediated communication: A synthetic

approach.  In A. Mackey & E. Marsden (Eds.). Instruments for research into second languages: Empirical studies

advancing methodology. Taylor & Francis. 

Fujii, A., Ziegler, N., & Mackey, A. (2016). Learner-learner interaction and metacognitive instruction in the EFL

classroom. In M. Sato & S. Ballinger (Eds.), Peer interaction and second language learning: Pedagogical potential and

research agenda. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Rebuschat, P., Hamrick, P., Sachs, R., Reistenberg, K., & Ziegler, N. (2013). Implicit and explicit knowledge of form-

meaning connections: Evidence from subjective measures. In J. Bergsleithner, S. Frota, & J.K. Yoshioka (Eds.), 

Noticing: L2 studies and essays in honor of Dick Schmidt. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i at Manoa, National

Foreign Language Resource Center.

Ziegler, N., Seals, C., Ammons, S., Lake, J., Hamrick, P, & Rebuschat, P. (2013). Interaction in conversation groups: The

development of L2 conversational styles. In K. McDonough & A. Mackey (Eds.), Second language interaction in diverse

educational settings. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 


Ziegler, N. & Rock, K. (in press). Review of Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (2012). Task-based language learning and teaching

with technology. London: Continuum. The Korean Language in America. 

Ziegler, N. (2015). Review of Schwieter, J. W. (2013). Innovative research and practices in second language acquisition and bilingualism.

Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 36, 760-761.

Ziegler, N. (2014). Review of Balasubramanian, C. (2009). Register variation in Indian English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. In Corpora, 8,


Ziegler, N. (2013). Review of Robinson, P. (2011). Second language task complexity: Researching the cognition hypothesis of language learning

and performance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. In Language and Education, 27, 580-582.

Ziegler, N. (2013). Review of Loewen, S., & Reinders, H. (2011). Key concepts in second language acquisition. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave

Macmillan. In Language and Education, 27, 184-186.

Ziegler, N. (2012). Review of Richards, K., Ross, S., & Seedhouse, P. (2012). Research methods for applied language studies. London:

Routledge. In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 687-688.

Ziegler, N., & Mackey, A. (2011). Review of Van den Branden, K., Bygate, M., & Norris, J. (2009). Task-based language teaching: A reader.

Amsterdam: John Benjamins. In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 474-475.


Invited presentations

Ziegler, N. (July, 2018). Language learning and technology. Summer School in Second Language Acquisition. University of Tübingen,

Tübingen, Germany. Invited by Dr. Patrick Rebuschat andProfessor Detmar Meurers. 

Ziegler, N. (June, 2016). Miscommunication in Maritime English: Linguistic, pragmatics, and pedagogical perspectives. Summer

Seminar, Gesellschaft für Ausbildung in Maritime English (G.A.M.E.), Split, Croatia. Invited by Prof. Adelija Čulić-Viskota.

Plonsky, L., & Ziegler, N.(June, 2016). What works in CALL: A meta-synthesis of the effects of technology in L2 teaching and

learning. Invited lecture in the Department of Applied Linguistics, Birkbeck, University of London. Invited by Kazuya Saitou.

Ziegler, N. (April, 2015). Interaction in speaking and listening. TESOL’s Speech Pronunciation and Listening Interest Section (SPLIS).

International TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD. Invited by Beth Sheppard. 

Ziegler, N. (September, 2015). How technology is transforming language learning. Berlitz, New York, NY. Invited by Sally Osborne.

Ziegler, N. (July, 2013). Synchronous computer-mediated communication and interaction: Methods, practices, and outcomes. 

Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom. Invited by Marije Michele.  

Ziegler, N.  (March, 2013).Meta-cognitive training and task-based language teaching in the EFL/ESL classroom. Arizona State

University, Tempe, Arizona. Invited by Bryan Smith, editor of CALICO.

conference presentations

Ziegler, N. & Moranski, K. (March, 2018). A cross-linguistic approach for metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback in the

L2 classroom: Findings from a mixed methods design. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL. 

Phung, H., Smith, G., & Ziegler, N. (March, 2018). The role of task modality in L2 chat: Learners’  performance and perceptions. 

American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL.

Bach, C., Smith, G., Le, H., Phung, H., & Ziegler, N. (February, 2018). What are good tasks? Designing TBLT materials for the

classroom. Hawai’i TESOL, Kapolei, HI. 

Moranski, K. & Ziegler, N. (October, 2017). The effects of metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback: Insights from a mixed

methods approach.Second Language Research Forum, Columbus, OH. 

Ziegler, N. (May, 2017). Pre-task planning in L2 text chat: Methodological and developmental insights on learners’ process and

performance. CALICO, Flagstaff, AZ.

Ziegler, N., Smith, G., & Phung, H. (May, 2017).  Noticing, saliency, and the contingency of recasts: The role of modality in SCMC. 

CALICO, Flagstaff, AZ.

Ziegler, N. (April, 2017). Process, performance, and pre-task planning: Insights from L2 text chat. International Conference on Task-

Based Language Teaching, Barcelona, Spain.

Ziegler, N., Smith, G., & Phung, H.(April, 2017). Task modality, saliency, and the contingency of recasts: Insights on noticing from

multiple modalities.International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Barcelona, Spain.

Ziegler, N. (March, 2017). Pre-task planning in L2 text-chat: Examining learners’ process and performance. American Association for

Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.

 Ziegler, N., & Smith, G. (September, 2016). Teacher individual differences: A first look at working memory, feedback, and modified

output opportunities. Second Language Research Forum, New York, NY.

Parlak, O. & Ziegler, N. (September, 2015) The impact of recasts on the acquisition of lexical stress in a computer-mediated environment.

Second Language Research Forum, New York, NY.

Smith, G., & Ziegler, N. (September, 2015) Exploring the effects of meta-cognitive instruction and peer interaction on learners’ L2

pronunciation awareness. Second Language Research Forum, New York, NY. 

Moreno Vega, J. L., Ruiz, S., Chinkina, M., Grey, S., Li, W., Meurers, D., Rebuschat, P. & Ziegler, N.  (August, 2016). Input

enhancement meets ICALL: Theoretical and methodological implications. European Second Language Association,

Jyväskylä, Finland.

Ziegler, N. & Plonsky, L. (April, 2015). Two decades of CALL research in SLA: Insights from a second-order synthesis.

American Association for Applied Linguistics, Orlando, FL.

Ziegler, N. (April, 2015). Interaction in speaking and listening. TESOL’s Speech Pronunciation and Listening Interest Section (SPLIS).

International TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD.

Ziegler, N. (September, 2015). Stormy Seas: Insights from a task-based needs analysis of Maritime English. International Conference on Task-

Based Language Teaching, Leuven, Belgium.

Ziegler, N., Mackey, A., & Parlak, O. (September, 2015). Pre-task planning in L2 text-chat: Perceptions, performance, and individual

differences. International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Leuven, Belgium.

Parlak, O. & Ziegler, N. (September, 2015) The impact of recasts on the acquisition of primary stress in a computer-mediated environment.

International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Leuven, Belgium.

Ziegler, N., Kim, M., Lee, J., Lee, E., & Kasula, A. (June, 2015). Meta-cognitive instruction in the Korean as a Foreign Language classroom:

Insights from quantitative and qualitative analyses. American Association of Korean Teachers, Monterey, California.

Ziegler, N., Mackey, A., & Parlak, O. (May, 2015). Pre-task planning in SCMC: Interaction, performance, and individual differences. CALICO,

Boulder, Colorado. 

Ziegler, N. (March, 2015). Metacognitive instruction, corrective feedback, and learner-learner interaction: Helping learners help themselves in

the L2 classroom. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada.

Hamrick, P. & Ziegler, N. (March, 2015). Insensitivity to mutual information in L2 learning of formulaic sequences: Experience or

maturation? American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada.

Ziegler, N. & Mackey, A. (October, 2014). Pre-task planning, performance, and perceptions: A study of L2 text-chat. Second Language

Research Forum, Columbia, SC.

Kasula, A., Lee,  J., & Ziegler, N. (October, 2014). Corrective feedback and learner-learner-interaction: The role of meta-cognitive instruction.

Second Language Research Forum, Columbia, SC.

Ziegler, N. & Mackey, A. (September, 2014). Pre-task planning, performance, and individual differences in L2 text chat. European Second

Language Association, York, United Kingdom.

Ziegler, N. (March, 2014). Synchronous computer-mediated communication and interaction: Insights from a research synthesis and meta-

analysis. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.

Ziegler, N. (February, 2014). Comparing face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction: Theory, research, and practice. Hawai’i TESOL,

Honolulu, HI.  

Ziegler, N. (October, 2013). Comparing task-based interactions in computer-mediated chat with classroom contexts. International Conference

on Task-Based Language Teaching, Banff, Canada.

Reistenberg, K., Sachs, R., Hamrick, P., Rebuschat, P., & Ziegler, N. (October, 2013). Triangulating measures of awareness: Source

attributions, confidence ratings, concurrent think-alouds, and post-exposure interviews. Second Language Research Forum, Provo, UT.

Ziegler, N. (March, 2013). Pragmatics at sea: The role of power, politeness, and social distance in maritime accidents. American Association

for Applied Linguistics, Dallas, TX.

Sachs, R., Hamrick, P., Reistenberg, K., Ziegler, N., & Rebuschat, P. (March, 2013). Learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge of form-meaning

connections: Evidence from subjective measures. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Dallas, TX.

Rebuschat, P., Hamrick, P., Sachs, R., Ziegler, N., & Reistenberg, K. (October, 2012). Using subjective measures to distinguish implicit and

explicit knowledge: A contribution to the Williams-Leow debate. Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.

Park, H., & Ziegler, N. (June, 2012). Cognitive shift in the bilingual mind: The construal of space and motion concepts in Korean-English

bilinguals. Korean Association of Teachers of English (KATE), Seoul, Korea.

Ziegler, N. (March, 2012). Differential use of formulaic sequences in first and second language novice academic writing. Georgetown

University Round Table, Washington, D.C.

Fujii, A., Mackey, A., & Ziegler, N. (November, 2011). Metacognitive instruction and learning through task-based interaction. International

Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Auckland, New Zealand.

Ziegler, N. (October, 2011). Formulaic sequences in novice L1 and L2 academic writing. American Association of Corpus Linguistics, Atlanta,


Park, H. & Ziegler, N. (October, 2011). Space and motion concepts in Korean-English bilinguals. Second Language Research Forum, Ames, IA.

Ziegler, N., Ammons, S., Lake, J., Hamrick, P., & Rebuschat, P. (September, 2011). The developmental outcomes associated with interaction in

conversation clubs. European Second Language Association, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ziegler, N. (April, 2011). Intercultural pragmatics and communication in Maritime English. Intercultural Communication Graduate Research

Expo, Baltimore, MD.

Ziegler, N. (March, 2011). Miscommunication and pragmatics in Maritime English. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL.

Ziegler, N. & Koch, R. (October, 2010). Involvement load, time on task and L2 vocabulary learning. Second Language Research Forum, College

Park, MD.

Ziegler, N. (October, 2010). Reading in the ESL classroom: Research and practice. Virginia TESOL  State Conference, Fredricksburg, VA.

Ziegler, N.  (April, 2010). Motivating students: Research and practical applications. AZ-TESOL Statewide Mini-Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

Ziegler, N. (February, 2010). Comparing the effectiveness of motivational strategies in the composition classroom. Peaks Interdisciplinary

Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

Koch, R., Ziegler, N., Parlak, O., & Divine, B. J. (February, 2010). Technology in the classroom: Help or hindrance? Peaks Interdisciplinary

Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

Ziegler, N. (October, 2009). Motivating students: Using theory to inform practical applications. AZ-TESOL State Conference, Yuma, AZ.

Ziegler, N., Koch, R., & Wizner, S. (October, 2009). Vocabulary instruction across levels and disciplines. AZ-TESOL State Conference, Yuma,


Ziegler, N. & Koch, R. (March, 2009). Communicative language tips for classroom instruction. Graduate Student Forum, International TESOL

Conference, Denver, CO.

Koch, R., & Ziegler, N. (February, 2009). Communicative language teaching: Making teacher and student connections. Peaks Interdisciplinary

Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

Ziegler, N. (February, 2009). Reflective writing: Student self-discovery. Peaks Interdisciplinary Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.



Language Learning Early Career Research Grant (2018). “The impact of meta-cognitive instruction on learner-learner interaction:

Focus on SCMC.”

Educational Testing Services (ETS, 2018). Kyle, K., LaFlair, G., & Ziegler, N. “A linguistic analysis of the communication demands

in typical technology-mediated learning environments.”

University of Hawai’i Research Council Travel Grant (2018) to attend the annual conference of the American Association for Applied


University of Hawai’i Endowment for the Humanities Summer Research Award (2017). “Second Language Learners Performance and

Perceptions: A Study of Multiple Modalities.”

University of Hawai’i Research Council Travel Grant (2017) to attend the annual conference of the American Association for Applied


Faculty Travel Grant (2017) to attend the International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching.

Faculty Travel Grant (2016) to attend the annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics.

University of Hawai’i Research Council Travel Grant (2015) to attend the International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching.

University of Hawai’i Endowment for the Humanities Summer Research Award (2014).  “A Task-Based Needs Analysis of Maritime


University of Hawai’i Research Council Travel Grant (2014) to attend the Second Language Research Forum.

Faculty Travel Grant (2014) to attend the Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association.

Faculty Travel Grant (2014) to attend the annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics.

University of Hawai’i Research Council Travel Grant (2013) to attend the International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching.

Finalist for the Christopher Brumfit Thesis Award (2013), Cambridge University Press/Language Teaching Journal. 

Lancaster University Travel Grant (2013) to attend the 8th Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics

and Language Teaching